Answer your calls with human-level AI.

Pam integrates with your organization to give callers exactly what they need, allowing you to focus on higher impact work. Pam is capable of answering every call and driving your business.

Talk to Pam

Pam Is Built Just For You


Expert On Your Organization & Available 24/7

Pam learns about and integrates with your organization and gives customers the information they need at any time. No more wait times!


End-to-End Automated Workflows And Capabilities

Pam provides automated scheduling, emails, payment processing, and intergrations with various platforms, giving customers what they need faster.


Multilingual Capabilities For Your Convenience

Pam is also capable of understanding and conversing in multiple different languages, allowing you to overcome the language barrier with your customers.

Seamless Integrations

Seamless Integrations

Pam Automates Your Tasks And Workflows

Through our own feature and API integrations with various tools and platforms you use on a daily basis, Pam is capable of performing multiple tasks on it's own.

Easy Admin

Easy Admin

Self-Service From Day One

Pam is designed to be easy-to-use from the moment you sign on. Through our own feature rich SaaS platform, we allow you to configure and manage everything in one place with no training required.



AI To Answer All Calls

Pam has experience in multiple industries. Through different implementations it continues to learn and adapt to all kinds of domains.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Pam work?

Pam uses AI to listen to your customers, understand their requests, and take the appropriate action. It feels human because it does the job just as well as a human can - and probably better.

Can Pam handle high call volumes?

Yes! Pam is scalable and can handle multiple concurrent calls simultaneously, providing quality and efficient service to your customers.

Will this replace my existing IVR?

Yes, Pam is the ideal solution for answering calls of all types. Traditional IVR (Interactive Voice Response) and auto-attendant solutions handle call routing and basic call handling, whereas Pam completely handles calls end-to-end and making call-routing the last move, freeing up your team to focus on their high-impact work. If Pam encounters a usecase that she cannot solve, she will use her human-level logic and understanding to decide on where to route the call, or will take a message so you can return any such calls at your own convenience.

Does Pam work for organizations of any size?

Yes! Whether your call volume is 1,000 or 1,000,000 calls per month, Pam can reliably scale to meet your demand, giving you the peace of mind and freedom to focus on critical tasks.

Will Pam replace my voice over IP system?

Currently, Pam does not replace your VoIP system. Pam is an application that is added onto your call in-bound systems. There may be some integrations or changes to your VoIP that are necessary and if so, we will work closely with your team to handle those. Also, by having a Receptionist that is an expert on your organization, you can leave only the most crucial phone lines thereby allowing you to save money on your VoIP bill.

How can I get started?

To get started with Pam, you contact our team via the contact page for a consultation. We can discuss your specific needs and come up with a solution catered to meet your requirements.